Articles on: Website Widgets and Popups


Creating the webhook

In Personizely you can set up a webhook to be sent when a certain action is done on a widget. To create a webhook for a widget, follow the guide below:

Edit the element on which you want to attach a webhook, select "Interaction" in the right sidebar menu, and in the Automation section click "Add action":

Select " Send webhook" and then set the URL where you want to direct the hook:

Setting up the webhook

You're all set, now Personizely will send a HTTP request to the URL provided once someone submits/click on the edited form/element:

Receiving the webhook

The webhooks are send using a POST request with a JSON payload which your script should parse and then return a 200 HTTP status.
Webhook's JSON format is the following:

  "widgetId": Number,
  "event": String - click/submit,
  "visitorData": Object {
    "firstName": String,
    "lastName": String,
    "email": String,
    "companyName": String,
    "companyTItle": String,
    "phone": String,
    "address": String,
    "marketingConsent": Boolean,
    "privacyContent": Boolean,
    "bio": String,
    "initialReferrer": String,
    "utmSource": String,
    "utmCampaign": String,
    "utmContent": String,
    "utmTerm": String,
    "utmMedium": String,
    "entryPage": String,
    "firstVisitDate": String,
    "country": String,
    "city": String,
    "region": String,  
    "postalCode": String,
    Number: String - Custom fields are serialized with the custom field id as the key

Updated on: 04/02/2025

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