Articles on: Email & Messenger Integrations

Integrate Yotpo SMS + Email to Personizely

Follow the steps below to integrate Yotpo SMS + Email with Personizely:


Yotpo SMS + Email app installed in your Shopify Store.
Personizely app installed in your Shopify Store.

Contacts sync

You can sync contacts generated via Personizely widgets into your Yotpo SMS + Email lists. You can add them customers as well as subscribe them to specific lists. The consent status will be synchronised based on the consent fields in Personizely.

From your Personizely Dashboard, navigate to Settings > Integrations, where you'll see the list of available integrations. Locate GetResponse and click the Connect button on the right:


A prompt will appear requesting you to confirm the permissions needed for Personizely to integrate with Yotpo SMS + Email. Review the permissions and confirm to proceed:

Now, in order to add an automation to a Widget to send the visitor input data to Yotpo SMS + Email, edit the Form or the Subscribe widget element:

Select Yotpo SMS + Email, specify the desired Action type, and then click Save:

Before using "Add to List", ensure you have used the "Add or Update Customer" automation:

Custom triggers

Event triggers are used to automate actions in Yotpo SMS + Email. You can then create a new flow in Yotpo using this custom trigger, triggered by widget events like clicks or submissions.

Personizely generated custom triggers include:
Widget Submit: Created when using a Form & Survey elements, where custom fields are applied which exclude Email and Phone, or a Button element.
Widget Click: Created when interacting with the Button element. This will only happen if the customer is already created & present in your Yotpo Audience.

These custom triggers include shortcodes which can be used in your emails and SMS flows to further personalize the customer interaction.

Congratulations, you've successfully integrated Yotpo SMS + Email to Personizely and added an automation to send the visitor input data to Yotpo SMS + Email!

Updated on: 12/02/2025

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