Articles on: Email & Messenger Integrations

Integrate Clearbit to Personizely

Follow the steps below to integrate Clearbit to Personizely:

From your Personizely Dashboard, navigate to Settings > Integrations, where you'll see the list of available integrations. Locate Clearbit and click the Connect button on the right:


To find your Clearbit API Key, please go to your Clearbit Dashboard, select API from the left sidebar menu and copy the Secrect API Key, which is your Reveal API:

Clearbit Reveal API Location

Insert the Clearbit Reveal API Key and click Connect:

Now that the Integration is successful, you can use new custom Target (and new placeholders) for a more precise & advanced targeting, specifically the Company filter:

Company Filter Targeting

You can use one or more conditions in the new Target which can be used in Widgets and Personalization Campaigns:

Company Filter Conditions

Using Placeholders in Widgets or Personalization Campaigns is as simple as selecting the text you want personalized and clicking on the Placeholder option:

Personalization Campaign Placeholder

Next you specify the Placeholder Type as Company, then select your preferred Value. By default, the fallback text is the one you selected to personalize, but it can be changed as well. Hit apply and then Save changes. Now the Placeholder value will be displayed in the Personalized Campaign or Widget, when the customer visits your website.

Placeholder Specifics

Congratulations, you've successfully integrated Clearbit to Personizely!

Updated on: 12/02/2025

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